
Sindia Malhotra
Life Coach & Systemic Practitioner


Everyone has a story but mine no longer defines me…

Our individual stories make us who we are but the story itself does not matter, it’s the feelings that you are left with, that do. Fundamentally we all have, on varying levels, inherited feelings that inhibit our growth. This is what stops us from being the best versions of ourselves.

What do you want your life to be?

Repeating old patterns over and over again is exhausting. You can re-write your story and I am going to show you how. To create a greater sense of worth, purpose and clarity is all our lives work. Together we can break the pattern of looking to the outside for validation and to start to delve deeper into you. I will encourage you to make the changes you need to live the life you want.

Once you decide you want to make this change, a lot of stuff is going to be thrown in your way, everything will begin to feel uncomfortable and that’s when your courage will come into play. You have the courage. You are reading this so you have already taken the first step.

Together we will cut through the noise, listen to your heart to find the clarity and purpose you seek in your life.

 What Next

You can write the future chapters of your story… you are your own award-winning author. What we do to achieve your goals will depend solely on how we choose to work together. The most important thing is to make a commitment to your own growth and change.

The first step we take together is a free 15 minute consultation. Email or call me so we can work out the best time to talk.

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